
Corporate & Regulatory Communications

Nano-materials and Pharmaceutical Manufactures 


RCB Scientific Writing and Editing

Corporate & Regulatory Communications

A regulatory communication strategist helps to make good science stand out by ensuring that there are not product or scientific inconsistencies, factual errors, or grammatical errors. RCB's work to assure that regulatory documents and/or corporate communications present the Company's information in a clear and consistent manner, readers will find the information within documents to be clear. The comprehensive editing provided has led to greater success for our clients and has made publication and regulatory acceptance much more straightforward. 

RCB Consulting has regulatory and policy experience within the Medical Device, Pharmaceutical, and Nanomaterial arenas and has worked in those sectors for over a decade . We are happy to discuss how we add value to these documents and communications. 

scientific editing Of:

  • Regulatory submissions
  • Corporate communications
  • Promotional material and labeling 
  • Slide decks
  • Clinical research reports for regulators
  • Scientific Publications

Contact us  to request a quote.